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Text File | 1997-09-09 | 24.7 KB | 1,109 lines |
- ;============================================================================;
- ;= MCP Installscript V3.1 bY fOX/ALiENDESiGN! =;
- ;============================================================================;
- ;================================= ENGLISH ==================================;
- (set languages-default 1)
- (set #bad-kick "You must be using Kickstart 2.04+ to install MCP")
- (set #copy-mcp "Copying MCP...")
- (set #copy-mcpicon "Copying MCP-Icon...")
- (set #copy-mcpprefs "Copying MCP preferences editor...")
- (set #copy-catalog "Copying preferences translation...")
- (set #copy-democonfig "Copying Democonfiguration...")
- (set #copy-pointer "Copying Demo 16 color pointer...")
- (set #copy-gurudat "Copying Guru informations...")
- (set #copy-doc "Copying Documentations...")
- (set #copy-patchcontrol "Copying PatchControl...")
- (set #copy-showpatches "Copying ShowPatches...")
- (set #copy-fixjump "Copying FixJump...")
- (set #copy-mcpsupport-library "Copying mcpsupport.library to Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-mcpgfx-library "Copying mcpgfx.library to Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-reqtools-library "Copying reqtools.library to Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-envarc-env "Copying ENV:MCP to ENVARC:MCP ...")
- (set #install-select
- (cat
- "Please select the different parts of MCP that you"
- " would like to install:"
- )
- )
- (set #install-select-help
- (cat
- "MCP: The Master Control Program...\n"
- "\n"
- "MCP-Icon: The icon from MCP... It's worth using this,"
- " if MCP should be installed to C:.\n"
- "\n"
- "MCP Preferences: The MCP preferences editor.\n"
- "\n"
- "Translations for MCPPrefs: The MCP-Preferences Cata-\n"
- "log-files.\n"
- "\n"
- "Demo Configuration: A demo-configuration for MCP.\n"
- "16 Color Pointer: Some 16-Color mousepointers.\n"
- "\n"
- "Guru Infos: MCP.gurudat. Needed for MCPs NoGuru and\n"
- "AlertHistory.\n"
- "\n"
- "Documentation: The documentations for all programs.\n"
- "\n"
- "PatchControl: A program for better systempatch hand-\n"
- "ling. Needed for MCPPrefs USE and TEST.\n"
- "\n"
- "ShowPatches: A tool to show all systempatches, if Pa-"
- "tchControl was started.\n"
- "\n"
- "FixJump: To solve all problems with jumping BootPics.\n"
- "\n"
- "reqtools.library: Needed for MCP.\n"
- )
- )
- (set #doc-select
- (cat
- "Please select your favourite documentation that you would"
- " like to install:"
- )
- )
- (set #doc-select-help
- (cat
- "Make sure that you have an AmigaGuide® viewer to"
- " enjoy the Guide documentation!"
- )
- )
- (set #languages-select "\nWhich languages should be installed?")
- (set #languages-select-help
- (cat
- "Please select your favourite language that should be"
- " copied to your Locale: directory?"
- )
- )
- (set #pointer-select "Which 16-Color pointer should be installed? ")
- (set #pointer-select-help
- (cat
- "There are some REALLY NICE pointers available, please check:"
- "\n\nDescription of the pointers:\n\n"
- "Blue + Joshi.: Blue pointer with a gold medal of Joshi\n"
- "ColorMagic...: Really nice pointer with a cream-tone and a"
- " zZz-busy pointer\n"
- "DragonHand...: Nice hand as pointer and a cool dragon as"
- " busy pointer"
- )
- )
- (set #pointer1 "Blue + Joshi by fOX!")
- (set #pointer2 "Colormagic by Fli7e")
- (set #pointer3 "Dragonhand by Trevor Moris")
- (set #startup-mcp "Do you want to insert MCP into your S:Startup-Sequence ?")
- (set #startup-mcp-help
- (cat
- "If you select 'Yes', MCP will be inserted to your Startup-"
- "Sequence after your last assign of ENV: \n"
- "So it's automaticly installed on each bootup!"
- )
- )
- (set #startup-patchcontrol
- (cat
- "Do you want to insert PatchControl into your"
- " S:Startup-Sequence ?"
- )
- )
- (set #startup-patchcontrol-help
- (cat
- "If you select 'Yes', Patchcontrol will be inserted right"
- " after the SetPatch command in your Startup-Sequence."
- )
- )
- (set #item-mcp "MCP")
- (set #item-mcpicon "MCP-Icon")
- (set #item-mcpprefs "MCP Preferences")
- (set #item-translations "Translations for MCPPrefs")
- (set #item-democonfig "Demo Configuration")
- (set #item-demopointer "16 Color Pointer")
- (set #item-gurudat "Guru Infos")
- (set #item-doc "Documentations")
- (set #item-patchcontrol "PatchControl")
- (set #item-showpatches "ShowPatches")
- (set #item-fixjump "FixJump")
- (set #item-mcpsupport-library "mcpsupport.library")
- (set #item-mcpgfx-library "mcpgfx.library")
- (set #item-reqtools-library "reqtools.library")
- (set #where-mcp "Where would you like to install MCP?")
- (set #where-mcp-help
- (cat
- "This is the destination directory of MCP"
- )
- )
- (set #where-mcpprefs "Where would you like to install MCP Preferences editor?")
- (set #where-mcpprefs-help
- (cat
- "This is the destination directory of MCP Preferences editor!"
- " Normally ALL preferences editors are in SYS:Prefs !"
- )
- )
- (set #where-gurudat "Where would you like to install the Guru-Information?")
- (set #where-gurudat-help
- (cat
- "The guru information is a file called MCP.gurudat"
- " and it's normally placed in your S: directory.\n"
- "If you have installed the democonfig you have to use S:."
- )
- )
- (set #where-doc "Where would you like to install the Documentations?")
- (set #where-patchcontrol "Where would you like to install PatchControl?")
- (set #where-patchcontrol-help
- (cat
- "PatchControl is normally placed in your C: directory!"
- )
- )
- (set #where-showpatches "Where would you like to install ShowPatches?")
- (set #where-showpatches-help
- (cat
- "ShowPatches is normally placed in your C: directory!"
- )
- )
- (set #where-fixjump "Where would you like to install FixJump?")
- (set #where-fixjump-help
- (cat
- "FixJump is normally placed in your C: directory!"
- )
- )
- (set #which-startup "Select your startup with ENV: assign!")
- (set #which-startup-help
- (cat
- "Please select your startup-sequence with your first"
- " ENV: assign, because MCP is added right after it."
- " If you doesn't select the right startup you have insert"
- " it by yourself...\n"
- "ATTENTION: If there is already a MCP installed into this"
- " startup the installer wouldn't add anything."
- )
- )
- (set #run-conv "Please Wait... Converting In Progress")
- (set #conv-ap "Do you want to convert AssignPrefs to MCP.config ?")
- (set #conv-am "Do you want to convert AssignManager.prefs to MCP.config ?")
- (set #conv-help
- (cat
- "If you convert your AssignPrefs / AssignManager, you"
- " can drop this program if you select 'AssignPrefs = ON'"
- " in the MCPPrefs program!"
- )
- )
- (set #install-exit
- (cat
- "Thank you for installing MCP ..."
- )
- )
- (set #install-start
- (cat
- "Welcome to MCP installation utility!\n\n"
- ".######. .#### \n"
- "### ### ##### \n"
- " ### #### \n"
- " ##### #### \n"
- " .### #### \n"
- "### #### #### \n"
- "### #### ## #### \n"
- "`######' ## ########\n\n"
- "fOR MCP 1.30\n"
- "Written and performed by fOX/aLiENDESiGN!\n"
- "(Updated by Mario 'padrino' Cattaneo)\n"
- )
- )
- (set #run-prefs "Running MCPPrefs ! Configurate your MCP!")
- (set #run-prefs-help
- (cat
- "If you already run an older version of MCP you have to"
- " save your config again!\n\n"
- "New users have to configure the whole MCP !"
- )
- )
- ;===[ German Documentation ]=================================================
- (if (= @language "deutsch")
- (
- (set languages-default 2)
- (set #bad-kick "Man benötigt Kickstart 2.04 oder höher, um MCP benutzen zu können!")
- (set #copy-mcp "Kopiere MCP...")
- (set #copy-mcpicon "Kopiere MCP-Icon...")
- (set #copy-mcpprefs "Kopiere MCP Voreinsteller...")
- (set #copy-catalog "Kopiere Voreinsteller-Übersetzungen...")
- (set #copy-democonfig "Kopiere Demo Einstellung...")
- (set #copy-pointer "Kopiere Demo 16 Farben Mauszeiger...")
- (set #copy-gurudat "Kopiere Guru Informationen...")
- (set #copy-doc "Kopiere Dokumentationen...")
- (set #copy-patchcontrol "Kopiere PatchControl...")
- (set #copy-showpatches "Kopiere ShowPatches...")
- (set #copy-fixjump "Kopiere FixJump...")
- (set #copy-mcpsupport-library "Kopiere mcpsupport.library ins Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-mcpgfx-library "Kopiere mcpgfx.library ins Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-reqtools-library "Kopiere reqtools.library ins Libs: ...")
- (set #copy-envarc-env "Kopiere ENV:MCP ins ENVARC:MCP ...")
- (set #install-select
- (cat
- "Bitte wähle die einzelnen Teile des MCP aus, die"
- " Du installieren möchtest:"
- )
- )
- (set #install-select-help
- (cat
- "MCP: Das Master Control Program...\n"
- "\n"
- "MCP-Icon: Das Icon für MCP... Es ist nur nützlich wenn Du"
- " MCP in das C: Verzeichnis installierst.\n"
- "\n"
- "MCP Preferences: Der MCP Voreinsteller (benötigt MUI).\n"
- "\n"
- "Übersetzungen für MCPPrefs: Die MCP-Voreinsteller Cata-\n"
- "log-Dateien.\n"
- "\n"
- "Demo Einstellung: Eine Beispiel-Einstellung für MCP.\n"
- "16 Farben Zeiger: Einige 16-Farben Mauszeiger.\n"
- "\n"
- "Guru Infos: MCP.gurudat. Wird von der MCP-NoGuru und\n"
- "AlertHistory benutzt.\n"
- "\n"
- "Dokumentationen: Die Dokumentationen für alle Programme.\n"
- "\n"
- "PatchControl: Ist ein Programm das ein besseres SystemPatching\n"
- "ermöglicht. Wird gebraucht, um bei MCPPrefs \"Benutzen\" und\n"
- "\"Testen\" benutzen zu können\n"
- "\n"
- "ShowPatches: Zeigt die geänderten SystemFunktionen an.\n"
- "\n"
- "FixJump: Entfernt das Problem mit springenden BootBildern\n.\n"
- "\n"
- "reqtools.library: Wird vom MCP benötigt.\n"
- )
- )
- (set #doc-select
- (cat
- "Bitte wähle die Dokumentationen aus, die Du installieren möchtest:"
- )
- )
- (set #doc-select-help
- (cat
- "Du brauchst einen AmigaGuide® Anzeiger, um die Guide Dateien anzuzeigen."
- )
- )
- (set #languages-select "\nWelche Sprachen sollen installiert werden?")
- (set #languages-select-help
- (cat
- "Bitte suche die Sprache für MCPPrefs aus, die "
- " in Dein Locale: Verzeichnis kopiert werden soll!"
- )
- )
- (set #pointer-select "Welcher 16-Farben Mauszeiger soll installiert werden?")
- (set #pointer-select-help
- (cat
- "Erläuterung der MausZeiger:\n\n"
- "Blue + Joshi.: Blauer Pfeil mit einer Gold Medaille von Joshi\n"
- "ColorMagic...: Sehr schöner Cremefarbener Zeiger mit einem\n"
- " zZz-Warte Zeiger\n"
- "DrachenHand..: Eine Hand als Zeiger und ein toller Drachen"
- " als Warte Zeiger."
- )
- )
- (set #pointer1 "Blue + Joshi von fOX!")
- (set #pointer2 "Colormagic von Fli7e")
- (set #pointer3 "Drachenhand von Trevor Moris")
- (set #startup-mcp "Möchtest Du MCP in Deine S:Startup-Sequence einfügen lassen?")
- (set #startup-mcp-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Du 'Ja' auswählst, wird MCP in Deiner Startup-"
- "Sequence nach dem letzten ENV: assign eingefügt.\n"
- "Damit wird es automatisch beim Systemstart gestartet."
- )
- )
- (set #startup-patchcontrol
- (cat
- "Möchtest Du PatchControl in Deine S:Startup-Sequence einfügen lassen?"
- )
- )
- (set #startup-patchcontrol-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Du 'Ja' auswählst, wird PatchControl in Deiner Startup-Sequence nach dem SetPatch eingefügt."
- )
- )
- (set #item-mcpprefs "MCP Voreinsteller")
- (set #item-translations "Übersetzungen für MCPPrefs")
- (set #item-democonfig "Demo Einstellung")
- (set #item-demopointer "16 Farben Mauspfeil")
- (set #item-doc "Dokumentationen")
- (set #where-mcp "Wohin möchtest Du MCP installieren?")
- (set #where-mcp-help
- (cat
- "Dies ist das Zielverzeichnis von MCP."
- )
- )
- (set #where-mcpprefs "Wohin möchtest Du den MCP Voreinsteller installieren?")
- (set #where-mcpprefs-help
- (cat
- "Dies ist das Zielverzeichnis vom MCP Voreinsteller!"
- "Normalerweise sind alle Voreinstellungsprogramme im SYS:Prefs !"
- )
- )
- (set #where-gurudat "Wohin möchtest Du die Guru-Informationen installieren?")
- (set #where-gurudat-help
- (cat
- "Die Guru-Information heißt 'MCP.gurudat' und wird"
- " normalerweise ins S: Verzeichnis installiert.\n"
- "Wenn Du die Demo Einstellung installiert hast, wähle"
- " das S: Verzeichnis"
- )
- )
- (set #where-doc "Wohin möchtest Du die Dokumentationen installieren?")
- (set #where-patchcontrol "Wohin möchtest Du PatchControl installieren?")
- (set #where-patchcontrol-help
- (cat
- "PatchControl wird normalerweise ins C: Verzeichnis"
- " installiert!"
- )
- )
- (set #where-showpatches "Wohin möchtest Du ShowPatches installieren?")
- (set #where-showpatches-help
- (cat
- "ShowPatches wird normalerweise ins C: Verzeichnis"
- " installiert!"
- )
- )
- (set #where-fixjump "Wohin möchtest Du FixJump installieren?")
- (set #where-fixjump-help
- (cat
- "FixJump wird normalerweise ins C: Verzeichnis"
- " installiert!"
- )
- )
- (set #which-startup "Bitte wähle dein Startup mit dem ENV: assign!")
- (set #which-startup-help
- (cat
- "Wähle hier die Startup-Sequence die dein erstes ENV:"
- " assign enthält, dieses ist deshalt notwendig weil der"
- " Installer nach dem ENV: sucht und danach dann das MCP"
- " direkt danach einfügt. Solltest Du dieses nicht richtig"
- " machen, so musst Du nachher selber das MCP einfügen!\n"
- "ACHTUNG: Sollte bereits ein MCP in dieser Startup enthalten"
- " sein so wird vom Installer nichts hinzugefuegt!"
- )
- )
- (set #run-conv "Bitte warten... Konvertierung läuft!")
- (set #conv-ap "Möchtest Du Deine AssignPrefs zur MCP.config konvertieren?")
- (set #conv-am "Möchtest Du Deine AssignManager.prefs zur MCP.config konvertieren?")
- (set #conv-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Du AssignPrefs / AssignManager Konfigurationen"
- " konvertiert hast, kannst Du diese entfernen."
- )
- )
- (set #install-exit
- (cat
- "Vielen Dank für die Installation von MCP ...\n\n"
- "...Fortsetzung folgt..."
- )
- )
- (set #install-start
- (cat
- "Willkommen zur MCP Installation!\n\n"
- ".######. .#### \n"
- "### ### ##### \n"
- " ### #### \n"
- " ##### #### \n"
- " .### #### \n"
- "### #### #### \n"
- "### #### ## #### \n"
- "`######' ## ########\n\n"
- "fÜR MCP 1.30\n"
- "Geschrieben von fOX/aLiENDESiGN!\n"
- "(Aktualisiert von Mario 'padrino' Cattaneo)\n"
- )
- )
- (set #run-prefs "Starte MCPPrefs... Konfiguriere nun den MCP!")
- (set #run-prefs-help
- (cat
- "Wenn Du bereits eine ältere Version von MCP laufen hast,"
- " speichere Deine Einstellung unbedingt neu!\n\n"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;============================== PROGRAM-START================================
- (set @default-dest "")
- ; Check Kickstart (>= v2.0) Version.
- (if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
- (abort #bad-kick)
- )
- (message #install-start)
- ;============================ REAL INSTALLATION =============================
- (set install-default 8071)
- (if (exists "Locale:" (noreq))
- (set install-default (BITOR install-default 8))
- )
- (if (NOT (exists "ENVARC:MCP/MCP.Config" (noreq)))
- (set install-default (BITOR install-default 16))
- )
- (if (NOT (exists "ENVARC:MCP/MCPPointer.prefs" (noreq)))
- (set install-default (BITOR install-default 32))
- )
- (if (NOT (exists "Libs:reqtools.library" (noreq)))
- (set install-default (BITOR install-default 8192))
- )
- (welcome)
- (set install-files
- (askoptions
- (prompt #install-select)
- (help #install-select-help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices
- #item-mcp
- #item-mcpicon
- #item-mcpprefs
- #item-translations
- #item-democonfig
- #item-demopointer
- #item-gurudat
- #item-doc
- #item-patchcontrol
- #item-showpatches
- #item-fixjump
- #item-mcpsupport-library
- #item-mcpgfx-library
- #item-reqtools-library
- )
- (default install-default)
- )
- )
- (set startup-files 0)
- (if (BITAND install-files 1)
- (
- (set mcp-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-mcp)
- (help #where-mcp-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "C:")
- )
- )
- (if (RUN "C/Search S:StartUp-Sequence #?MCP PATTERN QUIET")
- (if (askbool
- (prompt #startup-mcp)
- (help #startup-mcp-help "\n\n" @askbool_help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (set startup-files (BITOR startup-files 1))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (BITAND install-files 4)
- (set mcpprefs-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-mcpprefs)
- (help #where-mcpprefs-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "SYS:Prefs/")
- )
- )
- )
- (if (BITAND install-files 256)
- (
- (set patchcontrol-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-patchcontrol)
- (help #where-patchcontrol-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "C:")
- )
- )
- (if (RUN "C/Search S:StartUp-Sequence #?patchcontrol PATTERN QUIET")
- (if (askbool
- (prompt #startup-patchcontrol)
- (help #startup-patchcontrol-help "\n\n" @askbool_help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (set startup-files (BITOR startup-files 2))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (BITAND install-files 512)
- (set showpatches-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-showpatches)
- (help #where-showpatches-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "C:")
- )
- )
- )
- ;Set FixJump Destination
- (if (BITAND install-files 1024)
- (set fixjump-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-fixjump)
- (help #where-fixjump-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "C:")
- )
- )
- )
- ;Set MCP.gurudat Destination
- (if (BITAND install-files 64)
- (set gurudat-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-gurudat)
- (help #where-gurudat-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
- (default "S:")
- )
- )
- )
- ; Check + DefaultSet + Request Of Documentation(s)
- (if (BITAND install-files 128)
- (
- (if (= @LANGUAGE "deutsch")
- (set doc-default 2)
- (set doc-default 1)
- )
- (set doc-files
- (askoptions
- (prompt #doc-select)
- (help #doc-select-help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices
- "MCP.......... English"
- "MCP.......... Deutsch"
- "MCP.......... Français"
- "MCP.......... Italiano"
- "MCP.......... Svenska"
- )
- (default doc-default)
- )
- )
- (set doc-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt #where-doc)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default "SYS:")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (AND (BITAND install-files 8) (= (exists "Locale:") 2))
- (set languages
- (askoptions
- (prompt #languages-select)
- (help #languages-select-help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
- (choices
- "English"
- "Deutsch"
- "Français"
- "Danish"
- "Italiano"
- "Norsk"
- "Svenska"
- "Español"
- "hrvatski"
- "nederlands"
- "suomi"
- "turkçe"
- "ÃeÓtina"
- "çeský"
- "ðóññêèé"
- )
- (default languages-default)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (BITAND install-files 32)
- (set pointer
- (askchoice
- (prompt #pointer-select)
- (help #pointer-select-help)
- (choices
- #pointer1
- #pointer2
- #pointer3
- )
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- )
- ;========================== COPY STARTS HERE ===============================
- ; Copy MCP + Install in Startup
- (if (BITAND install-files 1)
- (
- (set prozess (database "cpu"))
- (if (< "68010" prozess)
- (set mcp-source "MCP020")
- (set mcp-source "MCP")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-mcp)
- (source mcp-source)
- (newname "MCP")
- (dest mcp-dest)
- (files)
- )
- (if (BITAND startup-files 1)
- (
- (if (RUN ("C/InsertText S:Startup-Sequence \"#?Assign#?ENV:#?\" \"%s\" LAST" (tackon mcp-dest "MCP")))
- (
- (set newstartup
- (askfile
- (prompt #which-startup)
- (help #which-startup-help "\n\n" @askfile-help)
- (default "S:User-Startup")
- )
- )
- (if (RUN "C/Search %s #?MCP PATTERN QUIET" (newstartup))
- (RUN ("C/InsertText %s \"#?Assign#?ENV:#?\" \"%s\" LAST" (newstartup) (tackon mcp-dest "MCP")))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 7)
- ; Copy MCP-Icon
- (if (AND (BITAND install-files 2) (BITAND install-files 1))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-mcp-icon)
- (source "MCP.info")
- (dest mcp-dest)
- )
- )
- (complete 14)
- ;Copy MCP Preferences
- (if (BITAND install-files 4)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-mcpprefs)
- (source "Prefs/MCPPrefs")
- (dest mcpprefs-dest)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- (complete 21)
- ; Copy catalog files
- (if (and (BITAND install-files 16) (= (exists "Locale:") 2))
- (
- (set n 0)
- (while
- (set language
- (select n
- "English"
- "Deutsch"
- "Français"
- "Danish"
- "Italiano"
- "Norsk"
- "Svenska"
- "Español"
- "hrvatski"
- "nederlands"
- "suomi"
- "turkçe"
- "ÃeÓtina"
- "çeský"
- "ðóññêèé"
- ""
- )
- )
- (
- (if (IN languages n)
- (if (<> 0 n) ; No catalog for english strings...
- (
- (set catalogs (tackon "Locale/Catalogs" language))
- (set destination (tackon "Locale:Catalogs" language))
- (makedir destination)
- (if (exists (tackon catalogs "MCPPrefs.catalog"))
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-catalog)
- (source (tackon catalogs "MCPPrefs.catalog"))
- (dest destination)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (set n (+ n 1))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 28)
- ;Copy Demo Config + Rename Old One !
- (if (BITAND install-files 16)
- (
- (if (exists "ENVARC:MCP")
- (rename "ENVARC:MCP/MCP.config" "ENVARC:MCP/MCP.Config.old")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-democonfig)
- (source "ENVARC/MCP/MCP.Config")
- (dest "ENVARC:MCP")
- )
- (if (exists "ENVARC:AssignManager.prefs")
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt #conv-am)
- (help #conv-help "\n\n" @askbool_help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (RUN "C/ConvAM"
- (prompt #run-conv)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (exists "ENVARC:AssignPrefs")
- (if
- (askbool
- (prompt #conv-ap)
- (help #conv-help "\n\n" @askbool_help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (RUN "C/ConvAP"
- (prompt #run-conv)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 35)
- ;Install 16 Color Pointer + Rename old one
- (if (BITAND install-files 32)
- (
- (set pointer-source
- (select pointer
- "mcppointer01.prefs"
- "mcppointer02.prefs"
- "mcppointer03.prefs"
- )
- )
- (if (Exists "ENVARC:MCP" )
- (rename "ENVARC:MCP/mcppointer.prefs" "ENVARC:MCP/MCPPointer.prefs.old")
- )
- (set source-file (tackon "ENVARC/MCP" pointer-source))
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-pointer)
- (source source-file)
- (dest "ENVARC:MCP")
- (newname "MCPPointer.prefs")
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 42)
- (if (BITAND install-files 64)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-gurudat)
- (source "S/MCP.gurudat")
- (dest gurudat-dest)
- )
- )
- (complete 49)
- (if (BITAND install-files 128)
- (
- (set n 0)
- (while
- (set doc
- (select n
- "docs/MCP_eng.guide"
- "docs/MCP_ger.guide"
- "docs/MCP_fr.guide"
- "docs/MCP_ita.guide"
- "docs/MCP_swe.guide"
- ""
- )
- )
- (
- (if (IN doc-files n)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-doc)
- (source doc)
- (dest doc-dest)
- )
- )
- (set n (+ n 1))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 56)
- ; Copy PatchControl + Install in Startup
- (if (BITAND install-files 256)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-patchcontrol)
- (source "Tools/PatchControl")
- (dest patchcontrol-dest)
- (files)
- )
- (if (BITAND startup-files 2)
- (if (exists "C:ARQ")
- (RUN ("C/InsertText \"#?SetPatch#?\" \"%s\"" (tackon patchcontrol-dest "PatchControl ARQ")))
- (RUN ("C/InsertText \"#?SetPatch#?\" \"%s\"" (tackon patchcontrol-dest "PatchControl")))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 63)
- ;Copy ShowPatches
- (if (BITAND install-files 512)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-showpatches)
- (source "Tools/ShowPatches")
- (dest showpatches-dest)
- )
- )
- (complete 70)
- ;Copy FixJump
- (if (BITAND install-files 1024)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt #copy-fixjump)
- (source "Tools/FixJump")
- (dest fixjump-dest)
- )
- )
- (complete 74)
- ;Copy mcpsupport.library to libs:
- (if (BITAND install-files 2048)
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-mcpsupport-library)
- (source "Libs/mcpsupport.library")
- (dest "Libs:")
- )
- )
- (complete 78)
- ;Copy mcpgfx.library to Libs:
- (if (BITAND install-files 4096)
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-mcpgfx-library)
- (source "Libs/mcpgfx.library")
- (dest "Libs:")
- )
- )
- (complete 82)
- ;Copy reqtools.library to libs:
- (if (BITAND install-files 8192)
- (copylib
- (prompt #copy-reqtools-library)
- (source "Libs/reqtools.library")
- (dest "Libs:")
- )
- )
- (complete 86)
- ;Copy ENVARC:MCP to ENV:MCP if MCP-Democonfig or Pointer is installed!
- (if (OR (BITAND install-files 16) (BITAND install-files 32))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt #copy-envarc-env)
- (help @askbool_help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (copyfiles
- (source "ENVARC:MCP")
- (dest "ENV:MCP")
- (all)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 98)
- ;Run MCPPrefs Before Exiting
- (if (BITAND install-files 4)
- (RUN (tackon mcpprefs-dest "MCPPrefs")
- (prompt #run-prefs)
- (help #run-prefs-help)
- (confirm 3)
- )
- )
- (complete 100)
- (EXIT #install-exit)